Saturday, October 3, 2009

Intensive Moments

The voice in the community is just a little harder to hear now, it that true for the internet? Can BGI look at social media concepts to make sure we all heard? Can there be online appreciations on screen as well as real time? Can announcements become virtual and appreciations stay offline? Maybe two circles, one online connection?

Another issue for me, is the source the new generation of bloggers using information from word of mouth, wikipedia, footnotes? What constitutes an online footnote? This is not as simple as a link, since content changes or the material disappears over time leaving the source altered or gone. If one uses information directly from a source then that source should be cited so others can review the evidence.

Is this really an academic exercise or a way to create a baseline set of ethics? I see alot of soothsaying disguised as expertise.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the group is bigger and sometimes it seems really challenging to hear all the voices in the room. I think there is definitely a huge opportunity to use virtual announcements during the intensives, especially for things that are known ahead of time.

    This is a really good point about the fluidity of web content. Without the actual article, blog post, or wiki the citation loses the value. Maybe a practice to consider is pulling content into pdfs and saving them up on google docs. It solves this problem, and creates a few others. :-)
