Sunday, November 15, 2009

From Milton Freidman to Satish are we ready to make room for change?

In the amazing synergy I found with Youtube, Google, Twitter, Facebook and blogger, I found another challenge, podcasting.  I interviewed a friend about her company, Crooked Trails, which is one of the only companies practicing honest sustainable travel and recorded the conversation. An hour long rich conversation brought the realization editing is a great equalizer to enthusiasm. Chris mentioned a ratio of 1 minute of video to i hour of editing, enough time to flatten most dreams with the reality of hard labor. The class videos really inspired me to use the footage I have shot over the last 4 years and make something with it. I am working on a video for Adam Justin's shop to start the video conversation with his customers, who hopefully want to respond with their ski videos and create a visual journal of the ski season.

What is becoming clear, I hold winter in high esteem, a character flaw interwoven to my core. Through my conversation with Yogi during the CRL Eluminate, he brought forth my passion for exploration and education as a way to build and maintain community. I see my entrepreneurship project going into the future revolving around these elements.  Through all this one struggle I am in the middle of, how do students in a school designed to train change agents resist change? With this thought emerged the Social Change project that Justin Fenwick, Karen Goat, Brian Trunk, Tomas Amodio and I are engaged in.

This made me think of Adbusters, the Journal of the Mental Environment. I think this is the where I love exploring the most. The poster below reminded me of my resistance to Microeconomics,

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

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